This tropical garden design materialized in mid 2010, was designed by Aquidea, design follows the theme of the house which also houses a modern tropical style. Nuances of tropical gazebo is visible on the design of the nuances of Bali and Balinese flowers. This tropical garden is designed for minimal maintenance, even without treatment plants in this garden still grows naturally and remain pleasing to the eye so that the selection of plants in this garden must also be appropriate.

Plants used in support of this park, among others such as Cambodia keyplant tree at the corner of the wood deck koi pond, Ferns monkeys in addition to water wall, and ranks as the Yellow Bamboo masiv foreground wall in front of the gazebo. Plants such as bromeliads, ferns, water reed, red ginger, cordyline, and osmoxilon also complement the harmony of this tropical garden.

In essence, it focuses on areas of the park gazebo, Koi Pond, water wall, and the mini-square stone Palimanan. The idea of this mini-Plaza occurs when the owner asked to assemble and make the area could also be used for a barbecue in the park.

While in the pool area (edges) as the limit we have the pond where the bracken fern is perfect when combined with a wetland. And also to create a more tropical feel. To soften the wall next to the wall surface of water with plants thypa (water weeds). In the corner there is also a wood deck Frangipani trees, bromeliads and cover crops in the form of mini-chives.

On the other side of the park area, there are also other areas of the park, right in front of the room. This park is a park where the current owner for some trees memintar maintained. We just keep adding a few plants such helikonia, ferns and grasses. These plants offer a cool look, seen from inside the house.
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